Our decisions


General information about decisions made by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission will be found in our Annual Report. QRIC’s first annual report was released in 2017.

Right of review

If you are dissatisfied with a decision made by QRIC in relation to a Right to Information request, you can apply to have that decision examined under internal review by an officer within the Commission of equal or higher level. Alternatively, you may apply directly to the Office of the Information Commissioner for an external review irrespective of whether the Commission has internally reviewed the decision.

An application to have a decision internally reviewed must be made within 20 business days of the date of the letter communicating the original decision. If you remain dissatisfied with the Commission’s internal review decision you may still request an external review by the Information Commissioner.

For external review, you must apply in writing to the Information Commissioner within 20 business days of the date of the internal review decision or within 20 business days of the original decision if you elect to bypass internal review and proceed direct to external review.