Standards and rules

Local Rules of Racing

The national Rules of Racing are set by the Harness Racing Australia and are effective up to and including 2 May, 2016.

The local Rules of Racing for harness racing is set by the Control Body Racing Queensland. View the local Rules of Racing on the Racing Queensland website.

For information about other industry policies visit the Racing Queensland policy page.

Whip rules

HRA 1 September 2020 amendment

The HRA Members recently approved amendments to the Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR’s) regarding both the way in which a whip can be used, and the type of whip which can be used.

In simple terms, these amendments limit the force and action with which the whip can be applied, whilst maintaining communication between the driver and horse.

The Rule will take effect from 1 September 2020 and in the lead-up, a training video provides Drivers with practical examples of permissible whip action. See the video here:

Everyone is encouraged to familiarise themselves with these examples and begin to take a proactive approach to self-moderation.

The Harness Racing Australia updated whip rule for introduction on 1 September 2020 The rule strives to balance industry needs and community expectations and builds on the previous moderation introduced in 2010.

See summaries of national rule amendments on the Australian Harness Racing website.

Personal Property Security Act

The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 came into effect in 2012.

Any owner of a horse or greyhound who enters into an agreement for the training or care of an animal may be affected by this legislation. This includes all types of ownership, agistment and training.

Failure to register an interest in a horse or greyhound could result in other parties gaining possession of the horse or greyhound in certain circumstances.

For information visit the PPS webpage or contact the Australian Government Help Line: 1300 007 777 or email:

Standards and rules

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission has approved a new licensing standard that will be used to assess applications and renewals for participants in the racing industry. The licensing standard is based directly on the licensing scheme policy previously used by Racing Queensland.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission licensing standard as at 25 June 2020:

Standard for licensing scheme – harness (PDF, 580KB)

Harness Penalty Guidelines

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission has introduced Penalty Guidelines for the Harness racing code.

For the first time Harness racing participants will have clear and prescribed penalties set out for breaches of the rules of racing in Queensland. 

The Commission enforces the Australian Harness Racing (AHR) rules as constituted by Harness Racing Australia (HRA) and the local rules of racing as adopted by Racing Queensland (RQ).

The Commission has established penalty guidelines to assist harness racing participants with information regarding a breach of the AHR rules and includes embargoes that may be placed against a horse from racing.

See the Harness Penalty Guidelines

Equine Traceability Enforcement Standard

The purpose of the ‘Equine Traceability Enforcement Standard’ (the Standard) is to ensure the effective enforcement of the traceability rules so that the Commission is able to safeguard the welfare of horses that are or have been involved in racing under the RIA.
Equine Traceability Enforcement Standard

Contact us 

Level 2
60 Kingsford Smith Drive
Ph: 1300 087 021 (Reception hours are 8.30am–4pm, Mon–Fri)

Postal address

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission
PO BOX 650
Hamilton Central QLD 4007
