
Race Day Reports

Race day reports for events on the racing calendar are compiled by Stewards employed by the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission. Reports will continue to be displayed on the Racing Queensland website within the racing calendar site.

View Race Day Stewards’ reports for harness racing.

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Harness Reports

24 March 2025Murray ThomasQueensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards today concluded an inquiry into the finding of testosterone above the threshold level in the samples taken from Lady Allegra on 6 June 2024 and 18 July 2024 and Ellis Street on 20 July 2024 and 17 August 2024. Lady Allegra and Ellis Street were both trained for these events by Murray Thomas.Murray Thomas (pdf, 120 KB)
14 November 2024Matt WrightQRIC stewards concluded an inquiry into reports the prohibited substance cobalt was detected in a sample taken from Tapthekeg on 3 November 2024.Matt Wright (pdf, 89 KB)
20 January 2025Alanah RichardsonQueensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards concluded an inquiry into reports from the QRIC Racing Science Centre (RSC) and the Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) that the prohibited substance Cobalt had been detected in a sample taken from the Alanah Richardson trained horse Arendelle following its performance at Albion Park on 25 October 2024. Alanah Richardson (pdf, 111 KB)
7 January 2025John McMullenQueensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards today concluded an inquiry into reports from the QRIC Racing Science Centre (RSC) and the Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) that the prohibited substance Triamcinolone Acetonide had been detected in a sample taken from the John McMullen trained gelding Studleigh Mark following its performance at Albion Park on 4 October 2024. John McMullen (pdf, 61 KB)
19 January 2025Ben BattleQueensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards concluded an investigation and considered all available evidence relating to the inquiry into the detection of Testosterone above the permitted threshold in a post-race sample taken from Wandary Delight following its winning performance in race 3 at Redcliffe on 26 September 2024.Ben Battle (pdf, 145 KB)