Todd McKenney commits to a third year as National Adoption Day Ambassador
For the third year, film and theatre star and TV personality Todd McKenney has signed on to be the official ambassador for the National Greyhound Adoption Day.
To promote the suitability of greyhounds as pets nationally, every Australian state will host an adoption day on April 19 to rehome former racing dogs. It’s the third of its kind and each year results in hundreds of former racing greyhounds successfully rehomed.
McKenney has two pet greyhounds of his own and said he fell in love with the breed after hearing about greyhound adoption from a friend.
“People’s perception of a greyhound and the reality of what a greyhound is actually like as a pet are often two different things. They are such a beautiful breed and often misunderstood,” McKenney said.
“They’re lazy, they’re loving, and they love to run like the wind – it’s amazing to watch. But they are just really relaxed dogs. I love that energy around me, they’re just slow, lazy and gorgeous.
“They really are the best dogs. They are playful, cheeky and fiercely loyal but it is their loving nature that I love the most. I just want to spread the word; I want greyhounds in every household I know of.”
Todd is currently playing Lord Farquaad in the production of Shrek – The Musical.
Queensland’s National Adoption Day will be held in two locations on 19 April, in South East Queensland at the GAP facility at 985 Atkinson Dam Rd Churchable and in North Queensland at the Black River Boarding Kennels and Cattery, 1247 Bruce Highway Black River.
The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) found homes for 274 greyhounds in 2018-19 an increase of 51 greyhounds adopted in the previous year.
Racing Integrity Commissioner Ross Barnett said the National Adoption Day was a perfect opportunity for all those interested in adopting a greyhound to see how our two Queensland operations work throughout the year to adopt out racing, retired and those greyhounds not suitable for racing to loving Queensland homes.
“The QLD GAP hears many heart-warming stories about how GAP greyhounds have made perfect pets, completing homes all over the State,” Mr Barnett said.
“I would like to reiterate the GRV CEO Allan Clayton’s comments that it is great to come together with other greyhound racing governing bodies of every other Australian state to present what will be a momentous day for greyhound adoption in this country.”
So we can match your family with a greyhound an adoption application must be made prior to National Adoption Day, see the GAP website for more information or contact the QLDGAP team on 1300 087 021.
For any media enquiries please contact:
Vincene Overs | 0472 842 346