Queensland Racing Integrity Commission commences
The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) commenced operation today, assuming responsibility for management of the stewarding, animal welfare, licensing, technical investigations, and scientific functions of racing in Queensland.
Commissioner Ross Barnett said that he and his team were looking forward to working with racing participants to contribute to the ongoing success of the racing industry in Queensland.
“From today, we are ready to assist racing participants to obtain licences and registrations and uphold the integrity and fairness of the great sport of racing in Queensland,” he said.
Mr Barnett noted that while ownership of the welfare and integrity elements of racing had moved to the Commission, there would be no change to the delivery of services to support activities for race meets and Queensland Winter racing carnival events this weekend.
“Stewards will be working as normal on courses all around Queensland this weekend and racing participants won’t notice any changes to the services we provide,” he said.
The QRIC have approved new licensing standards for each code of racing that will be used to assess applications and renewals for participants in the racing industry.
Mr Barnett said that there has been little change to the current standard in relation to the fit and proper person test and that no one who currently holds a licence will be prevented from being relicensed in 2016.
He also noted that one significant change to the standards will relate to convictions against the Criminal Code of Queensland recorded after 1 July.
“If a licensee is found guilty in the future of serious offences against the Criminal Code of Queensland which result in a criminal conviction for those offences, their licence will be cancelled for extended periods as set out in the standard; including life bans for live baiting,” he said.
“Criminal convictions will namely include animal cruelty – including live baiting – match fixing, offences of dishonesty, or serious drug offences.
This change will apply to all people applying for a licence after 1 July and to all participants who renew their licences in 2016.”
Another change to take affect today will be the commencement of a new Internal Review process where participants can apply to have a decision or penalty reviewed.
“The Internal Review process replaces the role of the Racing Disciplinary Board and will provide applicants with a more streamlined and consistent decision making process,” Mr Barnett said.
“If you are unhappy with the outcome of an Internal Review you will then have the ability to lodge an appeal with the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), but an Internal Review will be your first step in the process.
Internal Reviews will be a free option for participants and will be completed within 20 business days of lodgement.”
Information about the QRIC and its operation can be found on the Commission’s website.