QRIC Racing Animal Welfare grants open on 1 July
The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission’s (the Commission) 2021-22 Racing Animal Welfare (RAW) grants program is open for applications from 1 July 2021.
Applications are welcome until 31 August 2021 for animal welfare projects commencing January 2022.
The RAW grants program supports the delivery of projects that promote and support the Commission’s animal welfare objectives including maximising the post-racing career opportunities for racing animals.
Equestrian Queensland (EQ) was a recipient of the 2019 RAW grants program. EQ was granted $8000 to encourage participation in their off the track categories rewarding the top three placed retired racehorses at EQ events. Providing retired racehorses with alternative careers where their versatility and athleticism can be showcased and rewarded was a key component of the EQ grant project.
Monique Searle is one of the many retired racehorse owners who have directly benefited from the RAW grants program, having placed in several EQ competitions.
Monique expressed her support for the Commission’s RAW grants program.
“The RAW grants program has given back to the Equine eventing and show jumping community,” she said.
“Growing up in a family heavily involved in racing, it is great the industry is being held accountable for their retirement obligations and that racehorses are given the appropriate attention and care they deserve beyond the track.
“We make sure all our retired racehorses are given a rewarding life after racing by giving them the chance to compete in eventing and show jumping.
“If our horses are not suitable for eventing, we make sure they all go to loving homes with responsible owners.”
Monique has passed her passion for racehorses down to her three girls who compete with retired racehorses in eventing and show jumping.
The Commission provides a total pool of $70000 under the RAW grants program, with eligible organisations able to receive up to $5000 per application (up to three applications are permitted for each organisation). Successful grant applicants will be notified in mid-November 2021 for projects to commence from 1 January 2022.
More information, including guidelines is available on the QRIC website.
Contact the Animal Welfare team on 1300 087 021 or email welfare@qric.qld.gov.au
Media Contact Kaitlyn Winn 0467 955 412.