Deregistration and death obligations – harness

Under the Australian Harness Racing Rules, the Controlling Body must be notified of the retirement (deregistration) or death of a Standardbred.

Lodgement of these forms helps Harness Racing Australia (HRA), Controlling Bodies and racing regulatory agencies track horses following their racing career.

A copy of the Rules is available at Australian Harness Racing.

Deregistration of a horse

Where a registered horse has been retired from racing or a decision has been made to not race the horse, the owner at the time of its retirement must, within one month of a horse’s retirement, notify the Registrar by lodging the relevant form.

Where a registered horse has been retired from racing or a decision has been made to not race the horse but retain it for the purpose of breeding, the owner at the time of its retirement from breeding must, within one month of the horse’s retirement notify the Registrar by lodging the relevant form.

Death of a horse

The owner or trainer of a registered horse must notify the Stewards of the death immediately if it is in the care of a licensed trainer.

In any other cases, the owner or trainer of a registered horse must notify the Controlling Body or Stewards of the death within 24 hours of its occurrence.

Disposing of a carcass

The owner or trainer of a horse whose death has been notified, or which should have been notified, must not dispose of a carcass without the permission of the Stewards or the Controlling Body, email for approval.

How to lodge the forms

Completed forms can be lodged through your harnessweb account:
online at harnessweb or,
• in paper form by post to QRIC, PO Box 15666, City East QLD 4002
• or email

Stable returns

The owner of the horse is responsible for lodging the deregistration with the QRIC in accordance with the requirements. The owner or trainer of a horse at the time of death shall notify the death.

A stable return containing true and correct particulars must be lodged by the connections of a horse as soon as a horse comes into care or leaves care.

Any amendments will require a fresh stable return to be lodged.

It is important that the industry can accurately trace all Standardbred horses from birth until their deregistration.


  • Harness deregistration and death obligations brochure Download