Category: Industry Updates
- 5Dec 2023Thoroughbred Training Series-One Clear Day Definition
- 5Dec 2023Retire your greyhounds appropriately
- 6Nov 2023New rules for jockey weights and racing frequency come into effect
- 27Oct 2023Heartworm awareness is important for all greyhound owners and trainers
- 12Sep 2023Maintaining public confidence, ensuring integrity and safeguarding animal welfare
- 24Aug 2023Protect your horses and our people from the Hendra virus
- 1Aug 2023Treatment records reminder
- 28Jul 2023Message from Racing Integrity Commissioner- Shane Gillard
- 26Jul 2023HRA temporarily suspends use of the Rio Cobra Sulky
- 21Jul 2023A reminder to all trainers – Injectable products containing cobalt salts are banned