QRIC Media Release: Greyhound racing participants banned for more than 14 years for serious animal welfare breaches

Wednesday 3 July, 2024

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) stewards have handed three greyhound racing participants a collective ban of more than 14 years for serious animal welfare breaches.

The participants, who have been stood down since January, were charged under the Greyhounds Australasia Rules of Racing with a total of 26 offences, with penalties handed down this week.

Charges include a failure to provide veterinary treatment, failure to prevent pain and suffering, and endangering the health and welfare of a greyhound.

Participants were also charged with failure to comply with stewards’ directions and providing false and misleading evidence regarding animal welfare.

The participants were disqualified from the industry for a collective total of 14 years and three months, with an additional collective suspension of more than a year if re-licensed.

They also received monetary penalties and a reprimand.

All participants have been advised of their rights to appeal the penalties.

QRIC takes all breaches of animal welfare standards seriously and encourages anyone with information about misconduct or animal welfare offences within the racing industry to report it via the anonymous online reporting portal: Report Something – Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (qric.qld.gov.au)


Media contact Nicole Rowles 0467 955 412

Stewards Report 1

Stewards Report 2

Stewards Report 3