Audit of racehorse location and status

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) contacting me now?

Licensed thoroughbred participants are required, under the Australian Rules of Racing, to provide timely notification of the retirement (AR51) and death (AR52) of their registered racehorses.
On 17 October 2019 the ABC’s 7.30 aired a program called ‘The Final Race’ which revealed the alleged mistreatment of horses at a Queensland abattoir, including both retired and registered racehorses. The Queensland Government commissioned an independent inquiry into the management of retired racehorses and animal welfare standards at slaughter establishments. The final Inquiry Report released on 10 February 2020, highlights the importance of accurate lifecycle data in ensuring public confidence in racing.
Among the Inquiry recommendations accepted by the Queensland Government is a requirement for the QRIC to audit the records of ‘high-risk’ categories such as those racehorses that have been ‘spelling’ for more than 12 months and horses that are still registered for racing but have not had a race start in the past 12 months.
Further, in November 2019 the QRIC undertook a ‘retirement amnesty’, calling on licensed industry participants to ensure the accuracy of retirement records of horses in their care, or previously in their care. As a result of the amnesty, more than 1200 notifications were provided and the Commission is keen to further improve the quality of data relating to registered Thoroughbreds through this new audit of lifecycle data.

Why is the QRIC involved in the updating of registered racehorse records?

The QRIC is responsible for enforcing some of the Australian Rules of Racing relating to integrity and animal welfare. This includes AR51 and AR52.    

Why is it important to update my registered racehorse records?

Reliable, up to date status and retirement records for racehorses assists the QRIC in ensuring their welfare during their racing career. It also contributes to public confidence in the racing industry.
Following the ABC’s ‘The Final Race’, there was criticism of the racing industry for failing to care for racehorses in their retirement. Footage of currently registered race horses being slaughtered at an abattoir, undermined the industry’s efforts to defend itself.

How do I update my registered racehorse records?

Racing Australia provides registrar functions for the Thoroughbred racing industry in Australia. To update your records you can log onto Stable Assist, or if you are unable to access Stable Assist, you may contact Racing Australia on 1800 138 704

Who do I contact if I need to further discuss my racehorse records?

Please log onto Stable Assist or contact Racing Australia on 1800 138 704.

I no longer have the horse with me and cannot recall its details.

What must I do?

Please log onto Stable Assist or contact Racing Australia on 1800 138 704 to discuss the records in these circumstances.

Will there be consequences if I do not update my registered racehorse records?

The Commission will consider its response to breaches of the Australian Rules of Racing and will take action dependent on the individual circumstances.

Will the Commission continue to monitor compliance with AR51 and AR52?

Yes, the QRIC will routinely monitor compliance to the Australian Rules of Racing.

Both the trainer and I as an owner have an interest in the horse. Who is responsible for updating the racing records?

Under the Australian Rules of Racing, a manager of a horse, or his or her agent, must notify Racing Australia of the retirement of a racing horse (AR51) and the death of a named or unnamed horse (AR52). Under AR50 a manager, or his or her agent, is also required to disclose any change in the previously notified location of an unnamed horse.

I have not decided whether to retire my racehorse and I am unsure about the long-term plans for my horse. What do I need to do when I have made a decision?

You will need to contact Racing Australia. Please log onto Stable Assist or contact Racing Australia on 1800 138 704 to update your racehorse records.
AR 51 requires you to notify Racing Australia within 1 month of a decision to retire a named horse.
AR52 requires you to notify Racing Australia of the death of a named horse within 24 hours of the horse being deceased and an unnamed horse within 48 hours.